[реклама вместо картинки]

[реклама вместо картинки]


[01]. C'est la Vie
[02]. Dik Alila
[03]. Araba
[04]. Sidi Rabi
[05]. Amané
[06]. Elveda
[07]. Je Suis Pendu
[08]. Ya Rayah
[09]. Alabina
[10]. Sidi Mansour
[11]. Babouche
[12]. Mani
[13]. What Will Be
[14]. Lamouni (Ligharou Meni)
[15]. Targit (Morphé) Chant Kabyle
[16]. Sawah [Live]
[17]. Hebbina Hebbina

For those with an interest in modern Middle Eastern music, here is an excellent introductory disc to the music that people there (and all over the eastern hemisphere) listen to today. The nature of the singing is traditionally aramaic, but the distinctive chanting styles have a backdrop of electronic instruments using the same phrases and cadences that are played on traditional instruments. The tracks with many of these tracks is that they have a thoroughly western bent. While their nature is 'eastern', the dressing is 'western'. Artists include Alabina, Zehava Ben, Cheb Tarik, Ishtar, Farid, Salim Halali and many others.